
Do green roofs require special springtime care?

As temperatures creep upward and the calendar advances into late spring, many homeowners are tending to lawns, flower beds and…

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Shelter welcomes new faces

This year has brought many changes, both in and out of the office. While adapting to new remote workflows and…

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Challenge accepted?

In each pair of photos below, there is at least one thing different about the two images. Can you spot…

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Energy models provide insight about a building’s environmental impacts

As a signatory firm of the 2030 Challenge, Shelter is implementing ways to better understand — and improve — the…

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Shelter Architecture Zoom Backgrounds

If you're like us, you're starting to feel two things right now. 1) As the weather warms and the trees…

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Shelter embraces the 2030 Challenge

From the day Shelter opened its doors, we've sought to explore, research and implement sustainable design. We’re proud to further…

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Shelter clients continue serving you during social distancing

While you’re sheltering at home and maintaining proper social distance, you can still patronize many of the clients we’ve been…

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Shelter staff shares about working in – and on – the home

We thought it’d be a while before we opened more than a dozen satellite offices throughout the Twin Cities (and…

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Custom kitchen serves chef’s needs

When a pair of empty-nesters came to Shelter to cook up plans for updating their longtime home, the kitchen was…

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